Editor Quality of Life

luxe version: 2022.0.5
launcher version: 2022.0.22

I’ve got a few quality-of-life suggestions/requests for the editor window.

Window Title
Currently, the window title only shows the Luxe editor version. Including additional information, such the project name and project version, would be useful, especially for those with multiple projects open at once.

Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts are only visible in the “Show keyboard shortcuts” button in the top right of the window, and only in certain contexts, like World and Tiles. It would be useful to also include them in the tooltip for the action, if one is available. For example, the tooltip for the Play button (top right) would read “Run the standalone game [cmd/ctrl + p]”, with the shortcut binding in a different color/opacity/font.

Context Menus
In the hierarchy view, right clicking an entity or layer only selects the item, even though there are actions that can be executed via a keyboard shortcut, such as duplicate or delete. These should be made visible in a context menu on the item, to fall in line with what a user might expect.

Open Project in VS Code
This was already mentioned in an issue on GitHub, but just to bring some more attention to it, it would be nice if there was a UI button/keyboard shortcut to quickly open a project folder in VS Code, instead of having to open VS Code and locate the folder manually.

Unsaved Item Indicator
When a document is unsaved on macOS, the red close button in the top left will have a dot in the center (I’m not sure if/how Windows handles this). The Luxe editor does not have this, and it’d be nice useful so I don’t constantly worry if I forgot to save.

This feedback is related to:
editor, vscode

Thanks for the notes! Some of this is in flight yea, like keyboard shortcuts are hardcoded atm, they’re being transitioned to a command system as you’d expect, which can display shortcuts more reliably on things.

Unsaved indicator is shown, just not consistently. e.g in Tiles it does show the state in the top right with the save icon, and clicking it will save. Because the world editor was multi document editing, it took a bit to figure out the exact workflow around that, but will be adding a little dropdown with all unsaved documents if you wanna nitpick/discard changes or clicking will save all.

Context menus are an unknown, atm the menu is shown in omni below for now like everything else. Will see how it goes!

Window title is a good idea, if you can open an issue for that one it’d be appreciated, so we can add it in the next build.